How To Get Rid Of Stubborn Ink Stains?

Finding it hard to get rid of the stubborn stains on your shirt or trouser? Yes! We’ve been there and we know how tiring it could get when you try to remove it using your regular detergent powder. Let us save you some time and tell you that it is not going to work that way. But that doesn’t mean you would have to live with that stain forever. We are MVP House Clean and Maid cleaning service often known as the best House cleaning services in Bronx and today we are going to help you with cleaning ink stains on your clothes, carpets, or even your hands.

Why Holiday Cleaning Is Important?

We all enjoy family gatherings, inviting friends to parties and different celebrations on events we long for and wait eagerly to approach. No doubt, it feels good spending time having fun and partying all night but unfortunately this happiness does not last very long. A time comes when everyone leaves and now it is justContinue reading “Why Holiday Cleaning Is Important?”

How to clean your Kitchen while waiting for your next cleaning service

Having a game plan in place for your house cleaning tasks is important. It helps you get things done quicker and more efficiently. Using the right products for the jobs is just as important. Often times, we purchase products that don’t really do what they are intended to do. Using these products as per instructionsContinue reading “How to clean your Kitchen while waiting for your next cleaning service”

Cleaning Services: Tools of Trade – Vacuums

Having the right cleaning tools is essential for getting your home really cleaning. The right tools will ensure that you will work efficiently and get the highest-quality when it comes you house cleaning. Of course, we have all the tools necessary to get the job done. Give us a call at (347) 418 – 0153Continue reading “Cleaning Services: Tools of Trade – Vacuums”

House Cleaning: Organizing tips to make your life easy

If you are like one of the many people who find it difficult to stay organized, don’t feel bad or ashamed! This is a common issue that we hear from among most of our clients. So, If you’re looking to extend your house cleaning and keep tidy until your next cleaning service, I’ve found some excellentContinue reading “House Cleaning: Organizing tips to make your life easy”

House Cleaning: Make Your Own Cleaning Products

Are you looking to cut down on chemicals used in your household? Are looking to try your hand at making your own cleaning products as a way to save money or find alternatives to commercial cleaning products should we ever run in the situation where they once again scarce? Well, I’ve found a great articleContinue reading “House Cleaning: Make Your Own Cleaning Products”